Bay Cities is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, temps, and visitors. We comply with state and federal OSHA regulations.
Our Health and Safety program includes:
- Establishment of a safety committee to oversee the Health and Safety programs and help reduce the risk of workplace injuries in a cooperative effort by promoting safety.
- Assignment of responsibility for our Health and Safety program to designated employees.
- A program of Health and Safety Inspections to find and eliminate unsafe working conditions or practices, control health hazards, and to comply with Health and Safety standards for every job.
- Training for our employees in good Health and Safety Practices.
- Providing necessary personal protective equipment and instructions for its use and care.
- Providing reasonable physical and mechanical safety guards.
- Development and enforcement of Health and Safety Rules.
- An investigation of every accident to determine cause and initiation of correction action to prevent recurrence.
- Establishment of our First Aid/CPR Programs.
Safety orientations start on our employee’s 1st day. All employees receive training and instruction on general and job-specific Health and Safety programs. This includes, and is not limited to:
- IIPP, emergency action and fire prevention plans
- Personal protective equipment
- Proper lifting techniques
- Prevention of slips, trips and falls
- Lock out/tag out
- Heat illness prevention
- Forklift and pedestrian safety
- Good housekeeping practices
- Hazard communication and reporting of hazards and accidents
- Safety awareness
- Proper storage and handling of chemicals.
In addition to regular safety trainings, we have daily tailgate meetings and monthly safety trainings in both English and Spanish with our production and pack out staff. We give our employees an opportunity to make safety suggestions within our offices and plants. Employees with the most implemented safety suggestions in a month are rewarded with great, fun prizes.
Our staff is provided with the latest personnel protective equipment and steel-toe shoes for those working in production. We have also implemented our ergonomic upright desks within our offices to help prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Each afternoon we conduct 10 minutes stretch times within our office and production areas for the wellness and safety of our employees.
At Bay Cities, safety in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility!